Long USB cable

Hi everybody,
I need a 25' to 30' USB cable so I can connect my Imac to my main rig.
Please let me know which cable would you recommend.
Thanks in advance.
I was told that Wire World make 23' long USB cable.Also,Transparent
Audio makes 30' USB. Has anybody tried any of these.
I don't know what Wire World makes in USB but I do know that they are one of the 2-3 companies in Audio that I would trust anything they make.
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USB requirements are that the cable be only 26 nSec long, electrically. The reason they give is so that the reflections have enough time to die down. That limits the length to around 15'. We have measured some cables that are a bit over the limit, at 15'. Most are very close to it.

Use longer at your own risk.