Probably a dumb DAC question

I have recently ordered a new tube pre and will be needing to purchase a new dac. My question is do certain dac's work better with tubes than others.

From my experence with the Focal Titanium tweeter, I had Mini Utopias and my friend has Wilson Sasha, I would stay away from "hot" sounding DACs. You might look at the new Rega DAC, it has a choice of several filters which make slight differences in the sound according to what I have read. It has gotten good reviews and lists for $995.
I'm using the Eastern Electric Minimax Dac (Mullard tube and upgraded opamps). Probably the most organic, engaging piece of equipment I've EVER heard - with Cardas neutral reference to my pre, Silflex glass toslink to my iMac.

PS Audio is offering their excellent Perfect Wave DAC (PWD) for $2,000 along with the trade-in of any used DAC - old or cheap. This is for certain a true bargain. I highly recommend visiting their website for details.

I pair my PWD with solid state, but I have heard it with tube gear (ARC amp and pre), with which it sounds spectacular.
Thanks guys

It looks as if choosing a dac is going to be a long process. Like everything else in this hobby.

Stanwal: What do you mean by hot.

I would like something firewire for the mac. Not a must
Any other suggestion.

I just want a basic dac with no volume control. I was looking at the Tranquility but someone told me it might be too warm. Any experience with this. Though it does not do hi rez i have heard it does redbook well.
