What will be the data storage method of the future

Please correct my errors, but we have gone from:

1) Holes in paper: Player piano.
2) Holes in metal disc; Old phonograph.
3) Vinyl
4) Tapes: 8 track and then cassette.
5) CD
6) Hard drive.
7) compact flash card.
8) USB flash drives.
9) SD cards.

I'm still waiting for things to settle down before even deciding what to invest as my future storage media device. Seems like the industry can't decide either as there are many variations in playback machines. Very few are audiophile quality either (IMHO / IME).

Funny how this hasn't piqued the interest like HDCD, XRCD, DVD-Audio and SACD battles did.
The answer is "solid state storage" Just like a large thumb drive. Much faster then cloud and faster then soon to be out dated hard drives.
Maybe the Rolling Stones had it right years ago:

"Hey, hey, you, you...get off of my cloud".
Not that I'm espousing Scientology in any way, but they needed a method of making sure that L. Ron Hubard's speeches would be playable in 300 years. They chose to buy a cutting lathe and put the speeches on LP!
So does solid state or tubed storage sound better?
Sorry, I couldn't resist