cd player or computer with dac

i have put together a system which consists of the dartzeel cht8550 integrated,ascendo system f speakers with the arcam cd17 but i know the cd player is the weak link i shall be grateful if some one could help me decide the source and cables for the same and does a source really make the difference
"does a source really make the difference"

Is it not the source the rest of the system is reproducing?

Do you have a budget or unlimited funds?

It is impossible to make a meaningful recommendation unless we know what you can afford.

Source will make a great difference. There are many good options but you need to specify your budget and what is important to you in terms of sound parameters to narrow things down a bit
The source makes a huge difference.

I gave up on cd players a while ago. Instead I have a Eastern Electric minimax DAC ($750) connected to my imac (already had it), with a $70 Silflex glass toxlink cable. Ripped CDs to itunes.

Saved big bucks on a high end CD player and the sound is amazing.