Am I in the minority?

I was perusing some older posts today about computer audio and one that got me thinking was, "Once you go the computer audio route, you'll never want to listen to a CD player again." I've tried using only a computer as my transport into a USB DAC, and while it sounded great, I found I wasn't listening to digital music as much as when I had a CD player. For me, I actually enjoy selecting a CD from the rack, placing it on the tray, and watching the display read "Track 1". Unlike some I don't mind getting off the couch to replace the CD with another when it's done. That's one of the reason why vinyl is a better medium for me, also. I like watching the record spin as the tonearm is being lowered. Am I the only one who feels this way?
If the sound quality is better with the computer audio system, why would you not sell the CD transport and move on?

If you are not getting a lot better SQ, then you may have made the wrong choices. This is just like selecting a cartridge for your tonearm. Critical decision and the enabler for quality digital audio.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Are these great sounding Computer/DAC systems connected via USB? Is that the only way? And, is it true that USB remains a compromised audio transfer of data to a DAC?
The people I know who have tried "memory DACs" find they are not as good as standard DACS.
Ferrari, I'm sure ASCAP and BMI are keeping a close eye on any legitimate download seller. I disagree about free music though. There has always been free music. We used to call it radio.

I don't have a computer set-up yet, but I'm looking forward to trying it. I'll keep my physical media. I've got a lot of stuff that's never going to make it to he-res download. I don't find the loading of discs or Lps to be enjoyable though. Must be all those albums I flipped over the years.

Mr."T" was referring to a "memory transport", not a memory DAC. The memory transport spins the cd disc to retrieve the information, then basically "stores" it in bit perfect form prior to sending it via I2S to the DAC (no spinning discs, no lasers = less possibilities for mechanically induced jitter). It's a great concept that works very well.