Oppo analog question

I am interested in the new Oppo 95 player and already own a 980H and a 981HD. I am concerned about the company now because I have had issues with the 980 in particular. I hooked up the analog 7.1 on the 980 for my multi-channel SACD's this summer but got no sound from it. I emailed tech support and the response was (this is a quote):

HDMI is always the recommended connection for audio. HDMI is the only output which supports SACD DSD on the DV-980H, and DVD-Audio will sound better with HDMI as your receiver will be able to do all the audio processing in the digital domain.
Analog should only be used in systems which lack HDMI.
Best Regards,

I have never heard this before. Is that how I'd have to hook up 95 univ.player - just hdmi?
Curious response. How have you configured the setup menus in the 980H?

I have used the 980H, 83, 83SE and the 95 with both the multichannel analog outputs the HDMI outputs without any issues. Of course, I do agree that HDMI is preferable if you have the appropriate ancillary equipment.

I have a 95 hooked up to my pre (Parasound) via the 7.1 (and the digital) and have no problems with this connection. I am not familiar with the setup on the 980, however on the 95 there is a whole setup menu for the 7.1 analog outs; in fact they have even improved the flexibility of this recently with upgraded software.
Yes...that's true of my Panasonic BluRay as well. Without HDMI, the sound is disappointing. Dialogue is squashed and difficult to understand no matter how loudly the volume control is increased. I either have to get an HDMI input, or learn to lip read.