Esoteric K-01 settings; any users out there?

Has anyone really worked through the filter/upsampling options to determine their effect especially for redbook? I have heard that some prefer 4x with no filter. Any user thoughts will be appreciated.
i have been reading the forum a little bit and fir-1 seems to get the unanimous vote as the best filter. in all fairness, i compared it briefly to S_DLY1 late last night with a solo piano recording and could not be sure. i will test them extensively over the weekend.

anyways, it is said that each setting needs to be broken in separately (for 500 hours!!!) and i do not know if this is true or whether i will try this at all.

anybody ahead in the break-in curve?
Well, I'll toss a curveball in here. My settings are S_DLY1 and 4x on a K-03. Sounds terrific.


Dealer disclosure
Changed a setting in my amps and tried Audiofeil's combination as my hours build up on the player, and i like it. When the player was not fully run in, i prefered the fir1 filter with 2x. The s_dly sounded flat then but not now.