How good is the Ayre DX-5 Universal as a CD player

A huge part of my listening is with DVD concert videos. Right now I have a great Universal player, modded Faroudja DVP4000, but it does not play Blu-Ray. To me, the Ayre DX-5 is the perfect player, it does everything including Blu-Ray. However, how good is the audio section of the Ayre? I have searched the reviews and forums, sent out emails, and everyone raves about the Ayre.......but at all times they are raving about it compared to good players! I want to know how it compares to great players! How does it compare to say an Esoteric player, or Burmester, MBL, etc., with respect to audio?

The only reason I am considering the Ayre, is for the Blu-Ray option! Perhaps I should forget about Blu-Ray and put my money in a high end DAC and keep the Universal I have!? Would the Ayre compete with a DAC like say the Lampizator, or an MBL or Esoteric DAC? Is the audio on a Blu-Ray concert any better than the audio on a DVD?
To these ears, the Ayre is quite wonderful. Just as an aside...did you know you can't blutooth flac files...just doesn't have the bandwidth.
I tried both The Ayre DX5 and the Ayre CD5mp in a show room and at home . They were both great . On the audio side , the DX had a bit more drive but didn't seem as smooth as the CD5 , the CD5 also exposed more air around the instruments . I bought the CD5 nearly a year ago and can't say enough about it , half the price too . Later added an upscale DAC .
Thanks for the info Tmsorosk............I assume the "upscale" DAC must be noticably better than the CD5, and therefore the DX5, to your ears and in your system. So......what is the upscale DAC and how much better is it??