If your whole system costs $40,000....

how much will you invest in CD player with that sum?

I have been wondering my CD section is the weakest link, its around 10% of my system cost. I wonder people who are using some $10k players how much their whole system costs roughly...... Anyone can share their experience in upgrading their CD players?
HEy Foster,

What $7500 speakers are you running these days? IS it still the Mirage's?

IS the bass finally working out? If so, what turned out to be the secret ingredient(s)?
I am unable to let you confusing fellows here anymore, yes, I suggest you to shut up and quit this post,

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You ask a question on an internet forum and you are not always going to get the answer you hope for.

As far as confusing people, a number of people agree with me in my opinion that you are going about it the wrong way. Sorry if that bothers you.

On my $8K system, the CDP is 25% of the system cost (list price). Lower costs players are just not good enough.

On my $40K system (list price), the CDP is about 5% of the cost, and the analog rig is almost 20% of the cost. If you concentrate on CDs, then the CDP becomes a more important part and could easily go to 10% to 15% of the cost.

In a lot of ways, this is another way to get at the source first versus speaker first discussion. For me, I find I need a good source, but get more payback in sound quality from the speakers and the electronics. My digital upgrades are going to PC audio, rather into a new CD player.
My CDP tends to run about 15% - 20% of total component cost (not including cables, stands etc.).
Foster9: "To most we are looked at as crazy for what we invest in this gear". Yes, It is us against the world!! :)