If your whole system costs $40,000....

how much will you invest in CD player with that sum?

I have been wondering my CD section is the weakest link, its around 10% of my system cost. I wonder people who are using some $10k players how much their whole system costs roughly...... Anyone can share their experience in upgrading their CD players?
To the naysayers, I say audio is supposed to be fun and for recreation/ enjoyment of music. This is a message board about all things audio. Some guys, I won't name any names, some guys are just mean-spirtited, nasty, and take themselves and these subjects way too serious. Lighten up! We audio enthusiasts and philes make up a very very small group of people in society! To most people we are are looked at as crazy for what we invest in this gear.
My CD player and DAC combined was about 10% of the total system cost . I didn't plan it that way , just bought the player I liked best .
HEy Foster,

What $7500 speakers are you running these days? IS it still the Mirage's?

IS the bass finally working out? If so, what turned out to be the secret ingredient(s)?
I am unable to let you confusing fellows here anymore, yes, I suggest you to shut up and quit this post,

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You ask a question on an internet forum and you are not always going to get the answer you hope for.

As far as confusing people, a number of people agree with me in my opinion that you are going about it the wrong way. Sorry if that bothers you.

On my $8K system, the CDP is 25% of the system cost (list price). Lower costs players are just not good enough.

On my $40K system (list price), the CDP is about 5% of the cost, and the analog rig is almost 20% of the cost. If you concentrate on CDs, then the CDP becomes a more important part and could easily go to 10% to 15% of the cost.

In a lot of ways, this is another way to get at the source first versus speaker first discussion. For me, I find I need a good source, but get more payback in sound quality from the speakers and the electronics. My digital upgrades are going to PC audio, rather into a new CD player.