The Korg is a very impressive piece of technology, but I would caution against using it as a DSD recorder for long-term, archival, purposes. The Korg relies upon dedicated software for sample rate/format conversion. The Korg can operate as a fully functional, highly competent archival recorder as long as the company supports this software. The question is whether Korg will continue to support updates for the software over time as new CPUs and system software becomes available? Over a five year time span I don't think anybody knows the answer. You might actually be better off using the Korg as a high bit/sample rate recorder.
I'm using a five year horizon because that's what it would take to digitize 5,000 albums if you were extremely diligent.
I'm using a five year horizon because that's what it would take to digitize 5,000 albums if you were extremely diligent.