MC, I think you made the point that Tmsorosk was, that the Pioneer is designed with performance in mind within the limits of its price point. Which means it needs to be built for about 1/4 of its selling price to allow for the necessary mark-ups/profit.
Low-fi was probably not a fair term, I agree with you, but the closer two items are (CDPs especially) in price, typically the less likely you are to hear a difference. And I think that was his point. I think there are a lot of $1,000 CD players that few could hear a difference in comparing them to $400-$500 players (new prices of course).
You would expect to get more bang for your buck from a high volume manufacturer like Pioneer Elite than from a boutique company (Ayre, ARC, even Rotel, etc. . . ) when paying the same price for a CDP.
Low-fi was probably not a fair term, I agree with you, but the closer two items are (CDPs especially) in price, typically the less likely you are to hear a difference. And I think that was his point. I think there are a lot of $1,000 CD players that few could hear a difference in comparing them to $400-$500 players (new prices of course).
You would expect to get more bang for your buck from a high volume manufacturer like Pioneer Elite than from a boutique company (Ayre, ARC, even Rotel, etc. . . ) when paying the same price for a CDP.