Make Internet Radio Sound "Better"?

Apart from the dac one chooses to use, are there any tweaks to make Internet Radio sound "better"? Or are you limited by your Internet connection?
If you look at Shoutcast, you can search by bit rate. I limited my search to the highest option, 360(?) kbps. While this is not itself a guaranty of better sound, it does narrow the field a bit. Some of those stations sound really good, IME.
The question could better be articulated as: how can the signal itself be enhanced apart from playing it through every dac on the market?
Chain of command:

The source: Not much you can do there. GIGO or "it is what it is". Find your best source.

The DAC: You're not asking about that.

Cables: Well, there's the digital from the DAC and the ic's from the DAC to the pre. Maybe you could squeeze out a little more enjoyment there.

The END: Room, speakers, amp/pre. I had "enhanced success" yesterday when I changed "just" a digital cable. I have a couple systems. I enjoyed my Maggie/ss a little more, then last night I fired up my SET system and it sounded a little better also.

Done squeezing for awhile.
I have heard 64 kbs stations (and less) sound really good (as good or better than good FM though different) and 128kbs stations sound so so.

So the stream rate is a good indicator of potential but not always a good indicator of actual results.