Why CD players will never be dead

The main reason , there is just way to many CD's out there to end a format . Anyone want to take a guess how many ? The manufacturers are still putting there time and resources into developing new and better players , and people with servers seem to be spinning disc's more than ever .
Some people enjoy playing with computers and computer programs. For those who don't and who have very high sound quality standards, computer audio is not quite ready for prime time. Let me explain.

When I'm at home, I listen to audio for fun. The best computer experience for me at home is something like my IPad and my Squeezebox Touch. I plug them in and they do everything I want them to perfectly. Pandora upsampled to 176.4 can be surprisingly satisfying. Controlled by my IPad, it's even *more* fun. This System took 20 minutes to set up and it always delivers. My IPad and Touch are like my toaster or my microwave....or my transport. THEY serve ME.

When I regularly read about the dizzying array of file conversion steps/programs/servers and trouble shooting necessary to keep a computer-based system operational and working at optimal performance standards, I shudder. It reminds me of a first-generation linksys wireless router I once owned that tortured me for several years.

One day an affordable plug 'n play "toaster" system or device will be available for those who want to experience the very best computer-based/digital audio can offer. Until then, I will let others do the heavy lifting (I really do appreciate your hard work). Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy cd playback through a DAC that provides me nearly as much joy as the best server-generated audio I've heard (and I've heard some of the best)
Thank you, Steve. I'm streaming Pandora and the ASUS netbook recognizes the V-Link automatically. Is "Kernel Streaming" an option to look for w/i JRiver? No clue as to what a WASAPI plug-in might be. I visted the dppoweramp site. I think I'll wait a bit before trying to convert FLAC downloads. I'm already straining my 20th century analog brain. Any thoughts about accessing files downloaded to an external hard drive? Thanks again.
Ghost - yes, Kernel streaming is a JRiver plug-in option. Hopefully, your V-link supports it.

WASAPI is generally used with Win7 and Vista, but you can use KS also.

If the hard drive is on your network, then the player software should be able to find it. Read their help.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
hi chadeffect:

i think the essence of the arguement is taste. all components are imperfect. it's just a matter of what "flavor" of imperfect one likes.
I think computerphiles are different that audiophiles. I think the guy that realizes that and produces something high quality and convenient might sell something. If source material, and there is more source material(cd's) than there is in all formats before cd, and high quality equip to play it then it won't be going away very soon. Makes sense. Though sense is not to common anymore.