Ugh, what to do, what to do... DAC

Well, I am interested in buying a DAC and having such a hard time finding the right fit for my system. Right now, I am using my Squeezebox touch (stock) running into my Melody SP3 thats powering my Strata Minis. My musical taste runs from mostly classic rock to alternative. I enjoy the sound of the squeezebox but it seems as if everyone and there brother agree that adding a DAC will improve things greatly. My budget is $1000.

Interested in the EE plus, Wyred 1 or Rega...

What would you suggest?

BTW, not sure of it matters but my room is TINY. 11x12...
"it seems as if everyone and there brother agree that adding a DAC will improve things greatly."

That depends and may not always be the case.

An external DAC will likely change the sound but that does not assure any improvement, only a different sound. It's a matter of what your goals are soundwise for the DAC compared to current sound.

What aspects of the current sound are you looking to change or improve?
Musical Fidelity V-DAC
PS Audio Link DAC III
Wyred 4 Sound DAC 1
or for slightly more $, the outstanding Bel Canto DAC 3.

I've used all of these with my Squeezebox 3 and Squeezebox Duet and they've all improved the sound a LOT. More detail, space around the instruments and extension at both the highs and lows.
The Centrance Dacmini looks interesting for $795; I have mine on order. Current users say it has smooth mids and highs. I'm hoping they're correct.