Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95

Anyone got a chance to compare modded xa5400 and Oppo 95 units? How would you define the overall sound character of the two? I am using Merlin speakers with ARS filarmonia amplifier. I like to listen Jazz and Classical mainly. Would like to have a great resolution, vocal clarity, focused sound stage and full bodied presentation (..of Piano and string instruments).
Not looking for comparison between stock and modded units.
Please help me decide between the two. Thanks.
Thanks Rfogel8. Really helpful. Which one out of the two gives fuller presentation... say for strings/piano? Thanks again.
The Oppo definitely gives a warmer, fuller presentation. Beyond that, they are more alike than different.
One question for both JMW and Rfogel8. I apologize if I just missed it, but could you clarify that these listening impressions are based on redbook and SACD. My redbook collection is probably 100 times larger than my SACD collection, so redbook playback is more important to me. I would imagine these observations apply to both formats, but we all know what happens when we assume.
Yes both redbook and SACD were tested. The redbook sounds almost as good as the best SACD's.
I`m very familiar with both of these modified players.I`ve heard them in Jwm`s system many times during rather long listening sessions with Red book CD playback. Rfogel8`s summary is quite accurate and complete, but in this particular system I had a slight preference toward the Oppo(organic yet very transparent and excellent resolution). As has already been stated they`re very similar with subtle differences, it`s really system and listener dependent.

I went throuh the entire break in and evaluation of the Playback Design unit(very good) with Jwm and will agree that in his system I did prefer the Modwright players YMMV.
I could live completely content with these modded players(and would if not for my current digital front end).
The vast majority of listeners would be ecstatic with their performance if your priority is natural and realistic music reproduction.
Best Regards,