Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95

Anyone got a chance to compare modded xa5400 and Oppo 95 units? How would you define the overall sound character of the two? I am using Merlin speakers with ARS filarmonia amplifier. I like to listen Jazz and Classical mainly. Would like to have a great resolution, vocal clarity, focused sound stage and full bodied presentation (..of Piano and string instruments).
Not looking for comparison between stock and modded units.
Please help me decide between the two. Thanks.
Looks like oppo fan noise is not audible on most BDP 95 players.

There certainly were some complains about the noise.. This link here is one such .. ""

Now, Dan at Modwright via his mod could have fixed it. Or Oppo fixed it for later models! Or it happened on a few faulty units! Who knows?

BUT, good to know that fan noise is a non issue.

Thanks for all the responses which really helped.
Sorry about the Link above. It did not come right... here it is again.
Jwm, what tubes are you rolling in the MW Oppo and Sony?

I'm rolling TS 5u4gb and BT CVBT-181s in my MW Transporter. I prefer the BT over the Sophia's ... BT is more musical and Sophia a little harder sounding.

From my experience, with a little work, the MW Transporter is competitive with players costing much more. Several months ago dealer dropped off a Lampizator L4, had it for a week or so and the showdown was very interesting.

Have you tried any Sylvanias 6SN7W or 6SN7 GTA? I tried the Sophias as well and the sound didn't cut it for me, thin sounding compared to Sylvanias. I'm thing about possibly some 11950 Sylvanias VT231 or maybe some 181 if they are better. Would love to get more opinions on tube for my 5400.

I really like the Sylvania's in the Oppo 95. The 6SN7 Sylvania GTB chrome top are very reasonable easy to find and sound great. I have also tried the Sylvania Army Navy 6SN7GT VT-231 with silver near the bottom of the base. These were made earlier than the other Sylvania's and are harder to find. They avg. about 200.00 a pair. These sound sound clear, but still have a very natural midrange and tight bass. I just ordered some Sylvania BAD Boys which have three holes in the middle instead of two. I also like the Tungsol black plate which are very hard to find.