CD player closest to vinyl?

What CD players sound closest to vinyl?
Have to agree with ( Theo ) I have the same Ayre player, but I use mine as a transport and link it to an Audio Research DAC 8. I won't say it's like vinyl but it's as close to it, as digital has come, and still managed to keep digitals superiority in a few area's.
I have an Ayre CD player too - the CX7e which is similar to the C5xe that I've heard too - and while the Ayre CDP's are very good, I wouldn't characterize them as being analog-sounding. They sound like good digital players, with tonality completely different (more forward, less midrange-centric) than good analog setups.

Again, as Ahendler said, if you're looking for analog-like digital, you're barking up the wrong tree IMHO. Good analog setups achieve a level of smoothness uncommon to CD largely due to the higher resolution of their design, not to an inherent warmth...CDP's that try to replicate this type of sound conversely have to reduce resolution to "smooth over the rough edges" inherent in CD playback. So if you try to get an "analog sounding" CDP, you might wind up getting one that's lower resolution than one that's just a good digital player (which the Ayre is, IMHO).

You can use a FW-SPDIF or USB-SPDIF box.

I have used a Weiss INT202 and it's a good combo.

I have also used an optical cable
I would say audio aero cdp just couldnt resist the magical warmth and details of a digital player so romantic i would put it, sounding similar to vinnyl analog..

but unfortunatelly i have owned one and have a day and night listening performance, but now it has problem of switching on and off by itself while playing.. Any kind advice on how to repair this? Thanks alot guys...

Best regards
Jonathan p