Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.

The Calyx is interesting. Gotta try one soon.
For me the asynch USB performance connected to a Mac Mini is important
I've been most impressed by my Channel Islands VDA-2. For sure opt for the VAC-1 power supply. That leaves you with plenty of cash left over so that you can buy some decent cables as well. And it's Made in the USA as well. My second recommendation would be a used Adcom GDA-700. There's one on eBay right now.
Where to get the calyx in the usa?

Also, how does the bel canto dac compare (the new one)?

Which Bel Canto? I'm assuming not the 3.5VB since it's way over $2k. I had the DAC 2.5 before the Calyx and much prefer the Calyx. Warmer, sweeter, and technically superior in every way. While the Bel Canto is still a very good DAC, it was a little too sterile for my tastes and no match for the Calyx.
You thought this was going to be easy? Here are some sites to get your foot in the door.

Darko DAC Index

Audiophilleo (a USB interface that you may choose to use even if your DAC choice inputs 192kHz) It seems many manufactures claimed jitter rejection is not what its claimed to be and this thing seems to prove it.

Anido DAC


Audio-gd NFB 7.1 DAC

Eastern Electric Minimax DAC

Mhdt Labs


You'll be introduced to many more choices by searching for comparisons of these. The Darko index and the Computer Audiophile (forum) will have more information. Don't forget to get some sleep.