Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.

i own the ps audio pwd and pwt.

my experiences differ from those already expressed.

first i have found that the dac performs better with at least two cd players compared to the ps audio combo.

the players which i used include the vincent cd s6 and consonance sacd 2.1--both tubed players. i used spdif for the interface.

contrary to other experiences i think the transport is the weak link, not the dac.

then again there are factors in my stereo system and room which may account for my unique experiences.

moreover, i find that the two aforementioned players, along with the audionote cd2 and signature technology modified cd player (with a tubed output stage using a 6fq7) ) are preferable to the ps audio combo.

so, why i am not selling the ps audio products ?

i can use the transport to read hi rez discs and, as has been suggested, it doesn't pay to sell when others are selling.

i was able to obtain both at a very reasonable price so i do not mind holding on to them.

however, at some point, if market conditions are gavorable, i will try to unload both of them.
Tonyptony, the Shunyata Python Zitron XLR cable between the PW DAC and Transport lacked resolution and image placement and instrument separation was poor. I felt like I was hearing a blob of sound coming from the speakers that lacked coherence. The Zitron has a little added mid-bass warmth, but that was its only positive attribute to my ears. Of course, the Zitron digital cables might work quite well in other applications. I just didn't think it sounded good between the PW DAC & Transport.

Regarding HDMI cables, I have found that they all sound more similar than different -- I have tried Harmonic Technology, Wireworld Silver Starlight, Wireworld Platinum Starlight, and Supra. I would give a slight edge to the Wireworld Platinum Starlight, but this might have been a placebo effect, since the Platinum Starlight retails for $500. The Harmonic Technology may have been a little warmer than other HDMI cables, but differences were really miniscule. So, if your budget is limited, I would not play around with expensive HDMI cables. I got far more improvement in sound quality replacing Audio Art Power 1 power cords with Mojo Audio Enigma power cords on the DAC and Transport. The Mojo cords really had a profound effect on the quality and quantity of bass from the PW combo, without sacrificing anything at other frequencies.
Thanks Mcondon. I don't have a PWT - still using my lovingly restored and upgraded Proceed PDT3, so I've been researching choices for a good XLR between it and the PWD.

I sure wish the PWD had an AT&T glass input. I'd be the only one using it I guess, but it would make this interface investigation unnecessary. :-(
If anyone is interested, I'm considering parting with my exasound e20. it's up on audiocircle and usaudiomart for $2200