Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.

Tonyptony, the Shunyata Python Zitron XLR cable between the PW DAC and Transport lacked resolution and image placement and instrument separation was poor. I felt like I was hearing a blob of sound coming from the speakers that lacked coherence. The Zitron has a little added mid-bass warmth, but that was its only positive attribute to my ears. Of course, the Zitron digital cables might work quite well in other applications. I just didn't think it sounded good between the PW DAC & Transport.

Regarding HDMI cables, I have found that they all sound more similar than different -- I have tried Harmonic Technology, Wireworld Silver Starlight, Wireworld Platinum Starlight, and Supra. I would give a slight edge to the Wireworld Platinum Starlight, but this might have been a placebo effect, since the Platinum Starlight retails for $500. The Harmonic Technology may have been a little warmer than other HDMI cables, but differences were really miniscule. So, if your budget is limited, I would not play around with expensive HDMI cables. I got far more improvement in sound quality replacing Audio Art Power 1 power cords with Mojo Audio Enigma power cords on the DAC and Transport. The Mojo cords really had a profound effect on the quality and quantity of bass from the PW combo, without sacrificing anything at other frequencies.
Thanks Mcondon. I don't have a PWT - still using my lovingly restored and upgraded Proceed PDT3, so I've been researching choices for a good XLR between it and the PWD.

I sure wish the PWD had an AT&T glass input. I'd be the only one using it I guess, but it would make this interface investigation unnecessary. :-(
If anyone is interested, I'm considering parting with my exasound e20. it's up on audiocircle and usaudiomart for $2200