Dump the Wadia 781?

I love my CDP, after having it modded to Statement by Steve of GNSC.

However with the troubles at Wadia, I wonder if servicing the unit will be an issue in the long run?

My CDP sits on the 2nd tier of an Finite Elemente rack, so I need one with a front loader tray IF I swap.

My dealer thinks the DCS Puccini with U Clock will beat the Wadia. Honestly its the servicing issue that worries me more so than performance. Is this just a sideways move not worth the additional $$?

Rest of system, ARC Ref 5, Lamm 1.2s, Wilson Sasha.
"Wadia is more musical than the dCS which sounds very analytial with no soul."

Anything but when I heard Puccinni played on very high end system with VAC tube amp, vtl pre-amp, TOTL Nordost ICs, and Magico mini.

Orchestral music including massed strings (tough with digital) were totally convincing, among the 2 or three best digital source demos I have heard as a reference in terms of realism.
I had the Playback Designs and thought it was just ok. It is not musical at all. If you like analytical sound then go for it. I much rather have a Wadia.
I was making a comparison beteeen dCS Puccini and Wadia S7i. The Wadia was clearly better. Have you heard both?
Daisiu -
After 17 years with the wadia 270/27i combo, time has taken its toll (the DAC had to go back twice). I am now considering replacing them with the one-box S7i but was disheartened to hear about yout transport problem.
Did it have to go back for servicing, and how was that experience ? I recall both times, my experience was fraught with delays.
