I've been experimenting some more with opamps and have to say that the only combination I like a tad bit better than what Doug recommended (2604 in U1/U2 and 827 in U6/U7 with tube removed in SS mode)is to replace the 827's with Dexa discrete opamps. I'm finding the discrete opamp seems to add a bit more air around the instruments while making things a tiny bit warmer. However, the cost of the discrete opamps is rather high and the difference is not night and day. I think the 2604/827 combo is probably the best mod for the $.
I'm going to try two more experiments. The first is to go back to tube mode with a NOS mullard 12AU7. The second is to add Dexa discrete opamps in U1/U2 and see how an all Dexa system works.
More to come ...
I'm going to try two more experiments. The first is to go back to tube mode with a NOS mullard 12AU7. The second is to add Dexa discrete opamps in U1/U2 and see how an all Dexa system works.
More to come ...