What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
Ag insider logo xs@2xchangeout
I have`nt seen any "nays-ayer" posts,just people who are comfortable with what they have and who feel no need to change at this time. You`re happy with a computer based system, that`s your choice, who`s putting it down? What ever allows you to enjoy your music to your satisfaction is the way to go. Why do some people feel the need to get others to convert when they`re already content with their current individual choice?
Anyone using computer based system, BACK UP your music. Several years ago my external USB drive died and thank GOD it was backed up.
Could I interest you in a Victrola?

Spending 16-18K on a transport in the year 2012?

There might even be a blurb in the Farmers Almanac regarding the demise of the CD. Nostradamus predicted 2014.
changeout, I am likely i the minority here. However, I think really good transport is tough to beat. Have you considered the dCS transports? The dCS Paganini transport is right at your price point (17k usd)

I run a dCS Puccini and U clock currently and hope to move up to their separates soon...
01-27-12: Branislav
I wonder what the advantages of PS Audio PWT transport is compared to just saving your cds in your computer...
Branislav (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I think the advantage is with PWT, data is stored in SS memory so it avoids reading data from the hard drive into memory before transmission.

LAMPIZATOR has a wifi memory transport that I'm going to demo once my dealer gets one in.

What is a digital file? A file n bytes long. A byte is 8 bits. A bit can be a 0 or 1. So you basically have a file of 0 and 1. The only requirement is this file needs to be loaded into memory before it can be processed and doesn't care how.

What is one of the most expensive operation for a computer? Interfacing with an external peripheral such as a hard drive or worst a CD drive. So the logical implementation is preload the data into memory before processing. This will eliminate the engineering required to sychronize the data transmission and cost ... loading a file into memory is a trivial task. Don't need the over priced transports, clocks ... this means less profits for the companies.

I think in the future, our music collection will be stored in a Cloud and could be access from anywhere with internet. But with ULTRA LOW demand for audiophile grade audio, it doesn't attract the $$, best and brightest so advances will be SLOW compare to video.