What can cause noise with my Wadia 381? HELP

My new Wadia 381 CD player (modified by a well known company in Minnesota) has exhibited a reproducible noise problem since it was new. There is a ridiculously high noise floor that sounds like hiss, louder in the left channel. But ALSO, there is static noise that sounds much like scratches on a vinyl disc that are NOT constant but recur with regularity. I can e-mail a QuickTime video to anyone who is interested that demonstrates the noises quite clearly. Just to rule out various causes, I have swapped out interconnects, amplifiers (solid state and tube), and speaker systems. In addition, I took the Wadia to a different house with no cable TV, all appliances unplugged, all fluorescent lighting turned off and the NOISES ARE STILL THERE! I SENT THE 381 in for service and they claim that the unit functioned perfectly--no noise. I am at my wits end because a very expensive Wadia 381 with mods has a very reproducible set of noises that everybody on the planet that has been in my house can hear with any system equipment that I own. But I am getting nowhere with the dealer regarding this problem--I am told that the unit checks out and it is my problem. I fear that when I send the unit back in again for service for another $100 shipping, I will once again get the "no problem" diagnosis. The dealer had the unit running for hours and claim they NEVER HEARD A SINGLE NOISE. For whatever reason, the burden of proof of what is clearly a Wadia sourced issue seems to be placed squarely on my shoulders. Any input from the community will be appreciated.
You don't have to shout. You never said the dealer you bought the unit from was the modifier. This changes the game,some what. Contact Wadia and let them know one of their dealers is possibly doing unauthorized mods and and see if they can help you. Please for other would be buyers sake, divulge this dealers name.
Sorry to shout. This is so frustrating. The mods performed are commonly done by this dealer and are frequently discussed in this forum. And I accepted a modded, new 381. But I got more--and less-- than I expected (with the noise issue and my voided factory warranty) and, for whatever reason that only the seller/dealer/modder knows, I cannot seem to get any traction in a positive direction. I will eventually provide the dealer's name. I just thought that by being discrete, at least I would take the high road. At such time that he does the right thing, I will give full disclosure. The seller is one of the "full line dealers" in Minnesota,
I just saw on another forum that GNSC has closed. If you go to their website, Steve lists three recommended dealers for servicing any of the products that they've upgraded.

OK. I spoke with WADIA today and they are going to help me out---not sure what it will cost. BUT HERE IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE DEALER'S POOR SERVICE--HE IS OUT OF BUSINESS!!!
The dealer is, or should I say WAS: The Great Northern Sound Company--owner: Steve Huntley. I heard this straight from Wadia. Best guess why my unit never was repaired: Steve was in the process of closing his doors and he just did not want to deal with me or my problems.....)-: So there you have it! I will eventually report back the diagnosis after Wadia examines my 381.
I understood directly, strange that some above here did not!?
What is expensive with new current conveyors (update)is mostly labour time. It certainly sounds as it is the current conveyor which is damaged. I find it strange that this happened and even stranger that Steve did not took it under warranty. Steve told me they have full warranty at these units, same as Wadia original.
I have always thought of Steve as really nice. This was all but nice. I understand and i am 100% on the same page as you. Ofcourse he should repair this unit, no question and absolutely no costs what so ever. Well, enough of this. Better see it on the brighter side. Wadia knows what they do. Probably you'll get the newest versions now (better and you'll hear that:-)
If you are unlucky, Wadia deassemble all GNSC modifications.
Good luck and take it easy now...