What high-end multichannel SACD players are there?


My SACD collection is growing! It looks like SACD is here to stay, as more and more discs are popping up on the MusicDirects of the world.

Anyway, I have an ONKYO SP1000 universal player. It plays SACDs. It is multi-channel. It sounds pretty decent, but I'm sure there are much better players out there.

I'm trying to find out what my options are to replace it with a better sounding SACD player. Looks like there are a bunch of players out there from the likes of Esoteric, DCS, McIntosh, Ayre, Krell, etc... BUT they ALL seem to be only 2-channel!

Isn't one of the main points of SACD to be MULTI channel? All the dics have multichannel tracks, and I would hate to give up the option to play them by moving to a better sounding player.

Basically what I'm wondering is this - What are the options for a true high-end SACD player that also has mutichannel capabilities?
Esoteric SA60, UX-1/UX-1 Limited also support multichannel audio output from suitably capable discs. Check out the product brochures for details. You can also achieve what is reported to be the ultimate in SACD multichannel playback from opting for a P-03 or P-03U with 3 D-03 DACs or a heart-stopping option of the P-01 or P-01VU with 6 D-01 DACs. Esoteric has just released the new P-02 and D-02 transport and DAC; I would imagine you can chain together multiple D-02 DAC components to a P-02 and achieve the same.
I presume you are looking at MCH analog outs. The alternitive is to get a SACD player with HDMI out and run into a processor. Oppo 93 / 95 will give you both options (MCH analog and HDMI out). For MCH analog there is an upgrade to the Oppo 93 that takes it up a notch. You can google this.

If you want the best MCH analog out, you can go up the foodchain and get the Denon or Marantz (ud9004) Universal player. For HDMI this is non starter though, because unlike the Oppo these players downsample HDMI output.

Other options for SACD with MCH out are Esoteric and Krell.

Keep in mind though that MCH analog is a dead end architecture, and good MCH analog preamp (which make a huge difference) are hard to come by. You can run through the analog bypass of a processor, but depending on quality of hardware you may be better of running digital. Your safest bet is to get an Oppo, allowing you to do both and compare, without breaking the bank.
Thanks for the responses guys!

Currently my setup includes an Anthem D2 as a processor.

Would my best bet be to get an Oppo 95 and connect via HDMI?

The Oppo would need to convert to PCM to output over HDMI. What sample rate and frequency would this PCM be?

Are there other, better sounding solutions to output SACD PCM over HDMI than the Oppo?
Depends on your budget. I had a Denon 5910ci for a few years but in the interest of consolidating a BluRay and MultiChannel in to one I sold the 5910 and have just bought the Denon 100 Anniversary Edition DBP-A100 and am very happy with it's performance out of the 6 channel analog out. It was on special at 1/2 off as they are no longer made. I listened to the Oppo 95 at the same dealer and the Denon was warmer and less analytical in my opinion.
But I was used to the Denon sound from owning the 5910. Other options you my look at, again depending on budget and if video is a consideration. All available used: Esoteric DV50 or Dv60; Mcintosh MVP861, MVP871 or MVP881; Denon A number to choose from;Marantz UD8004 or UD9004 as mentioned above. I am sure there are more that I am not thinking of. But again what is your budget?
For HDMI output, the Oppo 93 is equivalent to the 95. If you do not need the Blu Ray, you can get a Sony XA5400. According to Kal marginally better than the Oppo on HDMI out. Oppo converts SACD / DSD at 88/24 PCM. Very expensive (oppo based) Ayre has optimized HDMI - supposedly better than plain vanilla Oppo. I would personally stay away from Oppo based expensive players that are based on the 83 platform (i.e. all of them).