Opting for no CDP -- only to regret it?

Anyone else find that this happened? I've got all my CDs on a hard drive in a lossless format, and was happily accessing it all via my Squeezebox Touch playing through an outboard DAC. At other times, I was spinning vinyl records, grooving to the tunes the old-fashioned way. Sold one CDP. Then another. Finally, my third and last. Which is just fine, most of the time.
Except when I get a new CD and just want to listen to it. Having to rip it first sometimes feels like so much damn fuss. Or when I feel I'm not exactly getting all I might from some of my favorite HDCDs. Wish then I could just pop one of Neil Young's Archives discs into an appropriate player.
Anyone else venture down the road without a CD player only to turn back and get one again? Anyone else have occasional regrets but just decided to accept the new, CDP-free world?
-- Howard
I picked up a new Tascam CD-200 because of the excellent transport within. A mere $250 from Amazon. Digital coax out to my external DAC.
I will never eliminate a CDP (transport) from my system; I will always listen to CDs this way, even though most of our collection is ripped and in a hard drive, accessible through the Squeezebox Touch.
Howard, Buy a CD transport!! Stop torturing yourself. There's so many for sale here on Audiogon. I'd recommend a half size transport like I've seen from Stello, Bel Canto or the like. Plug the transport to your DAC (If you want SACD playback you'll need an SACD player). The smaller size will be less annoying to look at in your rack. Use your server as much as possible but when you need to throw in the cd, just do so.
i sold my rega apollo, thinking i was done with cds. a few months later i bought a sony xa5400es. it turns out i like having options and use the sony and my squeezeox and laptop for listening.

just buy a new cd player and don't sell it. :)
Even better yet, buy a SACD player with a digital input. Go squeezebox to the players input to avoid buying a stand alone dac. Money saved.
I agree with Edorr.

I still have my disc transport, but I only use it for DVD concerts. Anymore, I really don't even considered listening to Cd's via a mechanical lazer/transport.