Opting for no CDP -- only to regret it?

Anyone else find that this happened? I've got all my CDs on a hard drive in a lossless format, and was happily accessing it all via my Squeezebox Touch playing through an outboard DAC. At other times, I was spinning vinyl records, grooving to the tunes the old-fashioned way. Sold one CDP. Then another. Finally, my third and last. Which is just fine, most of the time.
Except when I get a new CD and just want to listen to it. Having to rip it first sometimes feels like so much damn fuss. Or when I feel I'm not exactly getting all I might from some of my favorite HDCDs. Wish then I could just pop one of Neil Young's Archives discs into an appropriate player.
Anyone else venture down the road without a CD player only to turn back and get one again? Anyone else have occasional regrets but just decided to accept the new, CDP-free world?
-- Howard
i sold my rega apollo, thinking i was done with cds. a few months later i bought a sony xa5400es. it turns out i like having options and use the sony and my squeezeox and laptop for listening.

just buy a new cd player and don't sell it. :)
Even better yet, buy a SACD player with a digital input. Go squeezebox to the players input to avoid buying a stand alone dac. Money saved.
I agree with Edorr.

I still have my disc transport, but I only use it for DVD concerts. Anymore, I really don't even considered listening to Cd's via a mechanical lazer/transport.