Most underrated Audio Manufacturers

Some know you can spend $$$$$$$ for some components and at the end of the day they are sonically not really better than those for 1/10 of the price to others. Well, some sleep well owning those because they have the "test review" under their pillow, some loose the marketing battle but try to push the sonic curtain. What components are among that group in your opinion?
My choice
Preamp: Lamm LL2
Amp: Atma-Sphere
Cables: Signal Cable Silver Resolution
Turntable: Townshend Rock
Phonostage: Manley Chinook
Arm: Rega 300 with Incognito rewire
Speaker: Reference 3A
Dynaco, HomeGrown Audio, Jolida, Legend / Von Gaylord, Odyssey, Quicksilver, Shuguang, Sony, Technics
Of the speakers made today to beat the Dunlavy I would pick the ESP Concert Grands and the Roockport Altairs.
Marten Coltrane Alto speakers. I regard these little known speakers as in
the top 4 of the best stand mount speakers ever made. They were full
range speakers which incl: a 9" down-firing Accuton, 5" Accuton
midrange & 1" Accuton tweeter in an elyptical shaped carbon
sandwich construction monococ cabinet, with a heavy polished stainless
steel integrated stand & plinth with adjustable Black Diamond cabon racing
cones. The Alto's sounded amazingly pure and fast, with solid bass when
paired with a big ss amp like Boulder. They could be bi-wired or bi-amped.
The speakers could be placed close to rear walls thanks to their design &
did the disappearing act very well. They also threw a quite holographic
soundstage. The tuning was just right actually. The Altos are way
underrated speakers & a steal if you can find a pair in good shape in their
original boxes.