The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Hi Guys, from a "value" perspective, not spending a crazy amount of money, I absolutely LOVE my PSB Stratus Gold speakers for $3000/pair. They sound absolutely incredible for every type of music imaginable and also very good and durable for surround sound in the front, kind of a multipurpose setup for music and home theatre. I don't even use a subwoofer.

These speakers were tested at the National Research Council for every type of technical test imaginable, most of which I cannot describe or understand, but they sound amazing! ;)
The B&W 802 D's with lots of clean power and a 6sn7 tube based preamp...Diana Krall sounds like she's singing live in my living room!
For a small, soft room, there is only one choice: Konus Audio Essence. About 95% as good as Quad ESL, BUT you don't have to sit with your head in the one foot cube sweet spot AND they can be near the wall! EVERYONE who heard them in my home agreed. Need at least 50 tube watts, though.
Yes, Ronfr, I sell Rockport speakers, among others. In 2004 I wrote on Audiogon that the WAMM was my favorite speaker. It was at the time and no, I wasn't a Wilson dealer. I have written positively about Transparent Cable, for which I am not a dealer. I currently sell a number of great high-end products, all of which I chose for their sonic virtues, but typically avoid "the best" catagorization and such debates. To my ears, the Arrakis is in a category unto itself. I hope that this does not offend and can be considered to be just one man's opinion.