tube dacs vs solid state dacs

there have been a number of posts extolling the virtues of seceral brands of solid state dacs.

however, it would seem that the flexibility of tube variation, especially in the gain stage , should best the performance of most solid state dacs.

yes , it brings to mind the issue of tubes vs solid state, but i think the particular facility available to tube dac owners vs solid state dacs has not been sufficiently emphasized.
I generally prefer tubes when it comes to amps and preamps. With source-DAC/CD players I find SS vs tube far less important compared to the overall implementation. A good SS discrete output stage,no negative feedback and with a robust power supply can sound as good or better than a tube output stage. Execution seems to matter the most.
Liz's right. there are no actually tube DACs. They all only have the tube gain stage. The logic part is done by DAC IC and that's where most of quality depends on.
I believe sound quality mostly depends on the output stage and power supply quality.