Stand alone dac vs built in dac what's the better

Which we be the way to go?
Manufacturers and dealers are the ones touting improvements...and even they concede its marginal at best even on the hi end as they have upsampled,oversampled,etc for years...but everyone wants to justify their purchase...even where so called improvements are incremental...last time I checked cd was still 16/44...
There are severe jitter issues with external dacs...which manufacturers have the upper hand controlling when designing their own players...but the future is pc/media based...where internal dacs and resolution...unlike cd...are actually improving at warp speed
Manufacturers and dealers are the ones touting improvements...and even they concede its marginal at best even on the hi end as they have upsampled,oversampled,etc for years...but everyone wants to justify their purchase...even where so called improvements are incremental...last time I checked cd was still 16/44...
A built in DAC is less prone to added jitter, and external DAC can be used with multiple sources.
Audiofreak, shouldn't you have said in your opinion, "A Linn DS unit will simply trash most CD players, I've heard the DS many times at a friends and even brought it home for a try. It wasn't even close to a mid priced CD player, very sterile sounding, in my opinion.
I 'm not sure why a hard drive music server was even brought into this post.