Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES

I recently upgraded from a Modwright 9100ES to a Modwright 5400ES. While there were improvements, the richer mid-range and more powerful bottom end of the 5400ES tipped my previously balanced sounding system into one sounding a bit overly polite with a lack if crispness in the top end.
Can anyone advise me on what tubes (output & rectifier) and power cables to chose so as to brighten the top-end.
Grateful for your advise.
Wig I agree, I still can't believe the difference like a whole new system. I am using the Sylvania VT-231 Fat Boy 6SN7 in the main unit and love the sound. I wonder how the Create 6SN7 would sound?
I wonder the same thing and I'm using Sylvanias Jan-Chs VT-231 with excellent results but hear the Create 6SN7 are very good.
Just swapped the Create Audio rectifier tube for my Mullard. Can't say I am super impressed. Will let it burn in for a while and see if it changes. Right now I would characterized it as:
- no more resolving than the Mullard
- introduces an upper mid-range glare
- introduces a treble hardness that reminds me I am listening to digital
- less even and coherent sound stage laterally
- only positive is I do pick up some slight increase in reverberation cues (better sense of space on some notes) but also notice a flattening of some microdynamics at same time

It will get better over the next few days of run in. The Mullards will sound congested in comparison but you'll notice more subtle cues and textures never heard before on CD's you listen to the most.