Recommended coax cable for Metrum Octave

I'm getting an Octave to go with my SB Touch and need a coax cable to go with it. Since my cabling is Purist Audio, I was thinking PAD Genesis, but Cees at Metrum provided the following "specs" which the Genesis does not fulfill (#2 & 3):
1) 75 Ohms
2) Teflon isolators for shield and center conductor
3) Both core and shield should be copper silver plated

I'm thinking a VH Audio Pulsar Ag would fulfill this. But would appreciate hearing what has worked well for you.

Thank you!
Digging around forums I found DH Labs D-75 terminated cable, highly praised for the money ($90!!), and complying with above spec. Anybody tried it?
I am using Transparent Reference with mine, may well be the best but list price is higher than the cost of the Metrum, I bought mine on ebay. Clearer Audio Silver is also very good but not cheap either; paid around $290 for mine new with shipping and latest WBT plugs.