Squeezebox Line Comes to an End

Just saw this at another forum. While the writing was on the wall, I'm still disappointed.


My experience as a customer with Logitech was as follows: the tech people in the trenches were great. The management and corporate people are the most unresponsive I've ever seen. Their customer service and communication policies created new enemies every day. They're about as bad as the tv cable companies during the 90's. I can say, without fear of future contradiction, that the people who run Logitech do not care in the least what any of us think. To this day, the devices cannot consistently and reliably run streaming services like Pandora and MOG as advertised because corporate will not allow appropriate fixes to be made. It really is a shame because, when the devices worked, they were wonderful.

BTW, you cannot speak to anyone in charge at Logitech corporate headquarters because they don't answer any of their listed numbers nor do they return any calls. Logitech is the very model of a major modern mess of a business. I feel sorry for stockholders.

By eliminating digital outputs on their new line, they've lost me for good. I guess Sonos is in my future.
Vhiner, agreed.

Feckless, shortsighted morons.

They had an opportunity to energize a market. Instead, they abandoned it, probably because some bean counting MBA could not imagine the potential.

I was banned from their forums a few years back for essentially predicting such.
Haven't used it, but I prefer the philosophy behind the squeeze model in which I can integrate with my dac, amp, etc. the original sonos I don't think was able to, not sure about current models. Also, the squeeze line was all about audiophile quality, not sure the sonos really had as much focus on that.

My next move will be to computer integrated USB based. I also don't believe in all in one units.
I'm expecting my (five) Squeezebox devices to continue making music for years to come, with the large Squeezebox developer community collaborating to ensure LMS/Squeezebox Server software remains viable (at least for local streaming). Whether Pandora, RadioIO, or other streaming internet radio stations continue functioning remains to be seen. In fact, I just ordered a "backup" Touch.