" The is a good chance I have been listening longer than you ".
That may be true , but one thing I have learned in thirty five years of upgrading, is that each upgrade I've done has been a true upgrade, not a step sideways and each upgrade has unfortunately been more costly than the previous one. Is it like live music ? of coarse not, but it's a lot closer and it's become so good I'm continually amazed and engulfed in it's magic, something I couldn't say with less costly systems.
You can buy love when it comes to audio. But you won't buy it by just throwing money at it. It requires a good ear, allot of listening ( in your own system ), some research and much soul searching.
That may be true , but one thing I have learned in thirty five years of upgrading, is that each upgrade I've done has been a true upgrade, not a step sideways and each upgrade has unfortunately been more costly than the previous one. Is it like live music ? of coarse not, but it's a lot closer and it's become so good I'm continually amazed and engulfed in it's magic, something I couldn't say with less costly systems.
You can buy love when it comes to audio. But you won't buy it by just throwing money at it. It requires a good ear, allot of listening ( in your own system ), some research and much soul searching.