Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.

" I'm not sure what price gas to do with sound quality " Keep listening, you will.

The is a good chance I have been listening longer, harder and to a lot more equipment than you. If there is one thing I have learned, money can't buy love and it can't buy a stereo system that sounds any more like the real thing. Well.....maybe sometimes.
" The is a good chance I have been listening longer than you ".
That may be true , but one thing I have learned in thirty five years of upgrading, is that each upgrade I've done has been a true upgrade, not a step sideways and each upgrade has unfortunately been more costly than the previous one. Is it like live music ? of coarse not, but it's a lot closer and it's become so good I'm continually amazed and engulfed in it's magic, something I couldn't say with less costly systems.
You can buy love when it comes to audio. But you won't buy it by just throwing money at it. It requires a good ear, allot of listening ( in your own system ), some research and much soul searching.
09-19-12: Tmsorosk QUOTE:

" ...but one thing I have learned in thirty five years of upgrading, is that each upgrade I've done has been a true upgrade, not a step sideways and each upgrade has unfortunately been more costly than the previous one. Is it like live music ? of course not, but it's a lot closer and it's become so good I'm continually amazed and engulfed in it's magic, something I couldn't say with less costly systems...."

AMEN ..... Bravo Tmsorosk ... you nailed it!
I've heard many over the years that didn't impress me, but the worst I've personally owned yet hated was a Meridian G08. I had heard it at a headphone meet driving a Headroom Blockhead and it was fantastic--I had to have one.

Upon buying it and burning it in for about 40 days 24/7 (literally was always spinning) I pawned it off on someone else who sold it shortly thereafter.

I bought it new too while a zero income law student... still sour about that one!