Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.
Musical Fidelity kW SACD Player. $7,000 cd player with a .50 cent cd tray. sounded great when it played. what a horror.
Yeah I remember the M.F. KW CD player, a local dealer was really on me to purchase there demo player. I liked the sound of the player but didn't care for the company's flavor of the month attitude. They would just introduce the latest greatest player and within a year it was replaced by something supposedly far better. The way I looked at it, if they spent considerable time, money and resources on a piece of equipment it should not be trashed in favor of something new that must have been developed quickly.
My first CD player was a Sony, way back in the early 1990's when CD's were just getting traction. I'd bought my first high-end system. Eventually, I drank the TAS Kool Aid of that day saying that the whole CD format was junk and that I should stick with analogue. I sold my player to somebody else. I still have the first CD I ever bought back then: "Dream Of The Blue Turtles" by Sting. It is actually physically different than CDs today: the outer edge of the CD tapers to a thin, sharp edge.