What's your favorite Apple-based music program?

The J.River Media Center comes highly recommended and was at or near the top of most of TAS's sonic evaluations in their 4-part series about computer-based audio (Dec'11-Mar'12). However, looking over their website and some supporting forums, it appears that it's really a PC-based program. According to what I read on a JRM user forum, JRMC works on a Macintosh if you use Bootstrap to install Windows 7 and run it from there. That runs into a bunch more money and I'm not all that enamored of running the music software in a non-native mode.

OTOH, there's ChannelD's PureMusic. It's $129 vs. JRM's $50, but it's very Mac-friendly.

Any other insights, recommendations, or warnings? I just got an AQ Dragonfly asynchronous USB DAC and want to feed it the best data stream without spending several more hundreds of dollars. I also want to be able to download some 24/96 and 24/88.2 files from HDTracks, so the music-handling s/w has to be comfortable handling FLAC files on a MacBook Pro (OSX Mountain Lion).
Thanks for the info and recommendations. Given the enthusiasm for Audirvana here, around the Web, and at TAS, I downloaded the 15-day trial and it looks like I'll buy the license.

Audirvana has several features I was looking for, including adjusting the sampling rate to a multiple of the original (44.1 goes to 88.2, etc.), designating RAM to buffer music files (especially since my music files are on a portable USB drive), the ability to use as a plug-in with iTunes so I can stay with a familiar user interface, and all for $50.

It's an excellent match-up with my new Dragonfly. iTunes' native mode is 24/96. Before Audirvana, the Dragonfly always lit up magenta, signifying a 96KHz stream. After configuring Audirvana and playing ALAC files (under control of Audirvana), the Dragonfly light changed to amber, signifying 88.2 Khz. It's an exact 2x upsample of rebook and I immediately noticed a more relaxed treble. It could also be the RAM buffering, but who knows and who cares? Audirvana offers both and something made the music sound better.

Unanticipated is stronger bass--deeper, fuller, and more articulated. I now look forward to downloading and trying out a few 24/96 and 24/88.2 HDTracks.

Thanks again, everybody.
Glad we could help.

ps also try disabling up sampling and running in Integer/Direct mode if supported by your device and see if you like it.

I did find upsampling tended to make the bass less impactful
Glad to know you like Audirvana. Since you are using Mountain Lion, make sure you try the latest beta In my system, on Mountain Lion, it sounds much than the release version 1.3.5.
I have been using Audirvana for a while now,and have been happy with the SQ. I just downloaded J River Media Center 18 for the 30 day trial. Has anyone switched over to JRiver MC 18 on a Mac based system. I just started the free trial ,so it is too early to make any comments yet.
I just downloaded J River Media Center 18 for the 30 day trial. Has anyone switched over to JRiver MC 18 on a Mac based system. I just started the free trial ,so it is too early to make any comments yet.

I have but like you, just downloaded this week. I paid for mine since they offer license for the upcoming Mac version 19 which offers even better performance with improved memory play. I'm aware of this only because a beta tester for J River is a friend and keeps me informed.

I had Amarra and Channel D and to me the JRiver is more dynamic but I am not thrilled with the high frequencies. That being said, I'm using the lowly Oppo BDP-105 USB input so it serves as the primary DAC.

The same CD on the Oppo sounds better than ripped track played back via my Mac Mini. I've got several interface cables including those that came with my Oyen Digital plus Purist and Audioquest Diamond. The FireWire 800 cable from Audioquest is excellent and at this time the only aftermarket (audiophile) option I have for FireWire. For USB I have generic, a couple from Purist and the Audioquest Diamond.

Regardless of which I choose the tonal balance is unpleasant compared to spinning the CD. My files are Flac, ripped with no compression and include HD Tracks and other high quality sources as well.

I want this to work and hope a better DAC plus upcoming JRiver 19 bring this up to where I'm excited about the sound. Too much material on digital (only) to not have a way to listen and enjoy.