Worst Music of All-Time

What is the suckiest, pots and pans clanging together, cat in heat, fingernail scratching on the chalkboard noise you have ever heard? To me it has to be all that MTV promoted, yo-yo-yo, B-boy pop music that seems to consume the airwaves, magazines, and television time. And by all means feel free to bash particular artists, I like that too. Example: You could find more musical talent in the restroom of a trailer park chili feed than on a Puff Daddy album. Not too far off, huh?
KGB, I like Kiss and Aerosmith! I like Ratt too! And Kiss IS throwing in the towel, so there! They were very good, I saw them last month in concert (the sound sucked, of course). I did hate the hell outta that song Aerosmith did for Armageddon, though. Gee whiz, I hate Liv Tyler and the whiner Affleck too!
Carl....I'll be the first (or maybe the second) to give KISS and Aerosmith credit for being some of the best all-time rock bands, but Aerosmith lost it with the song you mentioned for the movie and that god-awful song "PINK". What a musical abortion. Steven Tyler painting his toenails and doing gay gap commercials didn't help either. BUT, when Aerosmith was hot, they were friggin' smokin. KISS has taken sort of gener-rock path lately. I really do like older KISS music and what they did for their part of the musical world IS incredible. Very few bands can successfully go for over a quarter of a century like they both have, but IMHO it's time to go. At least I can always listen to their "classic" stuff, right? Did you see MI2?? Later
Like I said, they did all their classic stuff live on their "farewell tour" when I saw them here in April, and they were great! (Live CD "Alive 4" is supposed to be out in a few weeks..."Alive 3" was great.) Sound was terrible, and the loudest I've heard, especailly in the 2kHz range...and I've heard a few. I especially liked "Cold Gin" (my favorite), "100,000 Years", "Heaven's On Fire" (from "my" generation), "Let Me Go, Rock n' Roll", and "God of Thunder". My earplugs were in for all but 3 songs, and those weren't 3 in a row, either. I mean, it was REALLY loud, dude! At least 4 dB louder than the next loudest one I've ever been to, and that was Motley Crue in '89 (now THAT was/is a silly dumbassed band!)......................Saw MI2, thought it was all style, no substance. Worse than a cornball music video, or a "gap" commercial! I've hated every film John Woo has ever done, and think the reason he uses slow motion so annoyingly overmuch is because HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SHOOT AN ACTION SEQEUNCE in the first place!!!! So, he fools the females and others in the audience, who lack a basic understanding of the physical world (and how vehicles react with it), into thinking that his shots are valid, by making them "different" with slow motion. They still SUCK, and the slo mo takes like an hour of the movie's time, so as to fill in where the comic book dialog leaves off. Ebert thought the car chase scene early on "worked"...boy, is he full of monkey dung on that one! He hasn't called an action movie correctly this year, and I think he's just gotten old and senile (oddly, he was mostly right about last year's lineup)! I, AND ALL NORMAL MALE MOVIE GOERS, like action sequences that are physically plausible and skillfully shot (like all the car chases in "Ronin"). I hope "Gone in 60 seconds" is worth seeing, cause I certainly don't trust movie reviewers on action movies anymore (did I ever?)! (I hate Nick Cage and Angelina Jolie, but I want to see sports cars driven the way they're supposed to be driven...by the stunt people, of course)..........................I hated "Face Off", the other John Woo movie that all the critics liked. It sucked! Basically, any movie where one actor is used to portay another, and then pulls off a mask that disguised him as the other guy, SUCKS!!! I mean, it's the oldest "trick" in the effects book, and it doesn't work at all. IT'S HOAKY!!!!! (And anybody that says, "Gee Carl, tell us what you really think," should take that up with KGB, because he asked.....).........Gotta go watch McLaughlin Group....
No accounting for what one person's taste in music are, but the worst I have ever heard is "Electric Love" on Mercury Limelight LS-86072. Electronic mesh-mash by a group that never did anything. Picture this, blend 1950 instrmental easy listening with very bland flower child music, played by musicians that have no clue and then it is all electronically synthesized. It turned up while I was going through some used LPs in a used book store. I bought it just because I remembered it was on Harry Pearson's (TAS)LP list. At $ 1.00, how bad could it be? It has to be a sly HP joke. I certainly hope, he wasn't serious about this being a good recording, performance or good music. There are several other clunkers (jokes)on his list so watch out. To be fair, he does also lists recordings that are top notch.
It's probably a joke, but Pearson's not always right (nobody is), and there is no accounting for taste, for sure.