The New PS Audio PWD MKII

Anyone tried the new PS Audio PWD MKII yet? I have been using their DL III with good results for the last two years. I was leaning towards a new Macbook purchase to use as my 'music server' but having learned more about the PWD capabilities I am considering trying it instead. If I understand the PWD details correctly I should be able to connect it wirelessly to my home network, access all music files on a stand alone hard drive of my choice, and steam all the music to the PWD. Have you tried this yet?

Try the following steps to narrow down the problem.

1. See if you can access the bridge from your ipad running eLyric. In the browser, run http://ip of bridge

If it doesn't load, it's a network problem.

2. Connect your PWD via ethernet connection to the router. If it works, then problem with your wireless connection.
according to the Exhibitor lists on the RMAF site, PS Audio will be in room 1013 in the Marriott Tower

!!! Paul McGowan said they weren't able to book in time! I'll have to ask him again.
The DAC is wonderful. The Bridge, eLyric, and EMM, in my opinion, were brought to market before they were ready and continue to be too difficult to use without a lot of frustration. I also have no desire to run my library from a PC. I've stopped using the Bridge and now just stream to the DAC from either a Squeezebox Touch (via COAX) or from my VortexBox via (USB). My longrange goal is to get a higher end server like SoTM or Sonore which run Logitech Media Server and connect to the PWD-2 via async USB or I2S if they can get that working. As others have said, PSAudio offers good customer service if you call them with a problem.
I had some issues connecting the Bridge at first only to finally realize the network (cat 5) cable was junk. That one took a while to figure out and I was truly going mad that I couldn't get the bridge to work. Now, I only use the bridge and haven't had an issue with it or Elyric since. I have owned some top notch digital most recently being the Esoteric K01, K03, Simaudio Andromeda, Bel Canto Dac3 etc. etc. and I find the PWD MKII to be excellent as well. I don't know that I would call it a "reference piece" but the sound, interface and convenience are very enjoyable to me. I bought it as I ramped up my analog setup and drifted away from digital. I am now probably 80/20 analog/digital. Sold the mega buck cd player, put 10k in my pocket and have never regretted it. At the used prices on audiogon right now I think the price /performance ratio is huge.
Got my bridge and eLyric working today thanks to arrival (overnight shipping from Amazon) of a new wireless Ethernet bridge. I followed PS Audio knowledge base recommendation and bought a Linksys (Cisco) WES610N 4-port bridge. I was trying to use my Squeezeboxes to bridge to my wireless network but they would not work with the DACII. They did work with the PS Audio Transport though. The Squeezeboxen will bridge any of my other devices but not the PS Audio Bridge/DAC. Anyway I set up the Linksys to use the 5G part of my network, since it has no other traffic. ELyric sees the DAC now and I am streaming my high-res files, something my Squeezeboxes won't do. I chose the option to play all albums gap less and Paul Simon's live NYC concert is playing flawlessly. Much more bass and wider stage with this setup than with my SB Touch into the Northwave USB DAC I was using. Very crisp and detailed. Of course this is also a high res file so not apples to apples. Just glad to have it all working. As a longtime Squeezebox user I know networking issues can take some trial and error to solve. I am no engineer or computer expert either. PS Audio customer service suggested I try using another type of wireless bridge/access point. I like this one because with 4 Ethernet ports both the transport and DAC can plug into it. I was using two Squeezeboxes in my initial attempt to get the PS Audio stuff to talk to each other and my network. This is much cleaner.