Anyone try Pvane tubes in your Dac or CD player?

I am looking to upgrade the Electroharmonics tubes in my Vincent CD player.Pvane sold by GrantFidelity sound interesting.I have tried RCA clear tops[awesome mids,no highs,no bass]Phillips[awesome highs and bass, flat mids]Any suggestions would be welcome.
Jtcf, I settled on NOS Brimar 13D5 for the DAC. However I found the Brimars a tad too "tubey" for use in my CAT pre linestage where I currently use the reissue TungSol 12AU7.
i have a vincent cd player. probably different from the op. mine is the cd s6. it takes a 12ax7, a 6dj8(6922) and a 12 au7. strangely enough the best 12au7 for the application was the original stock chinese 12au7. i tried nos tubes, but found them thin, by comparison.
I agree with Mrtennis and Jtcf. They sucked in the EE DAC.

In fact, the Psvane series seems to suck in general. I do like the Black Treasures, but haven't liked a Psvane to date! Lots of unjustified hype and silly group think.
I hope they don't totally suck!If so I will give the Tung-Sols a try and maybe Tungstrum.I did email Upscale Audio,but they never got back to me.I may end up giving them a call since they sell Vincents.
Mrtennis mine is an S6MK and I don't remember if the difference was the addition of balanced outputs or headphone volume control.Interesting that the tubes are different.Two EH 12ax7,one chinese 12AX7b, and the chinese 12AU7.What tubes are you using?