the best, cost-no-object, music streamer?

I am currently using McIntosh MCD500 as source. I love it so much that my CD collection is piling up. Now i find it more hassle to find CD, play it, and return it to cabinet blah blah blah.

I think one solution to this is to find a (very) good music streamer connected to a HDD or whatever.

Can any of you share what is the best, cost-no-object, music streamer? And why do you like them?

Am no techie, but seems ability to play 24/192, FLAC, apple app compatibility is a must.

Thanks for looking.
I totally agree with Kal, the Meridian Sooloos system is pretty cool and sounds really good. It also has the best search functions of any server and the best meta-data as well.
Define streaming device. There are so many different architectures to get digital audio files into a Dac these days. What functionality are you looking for in the device. Storage? Library management? D/A conversion?

Am looking for all three qualities you mentioned. Good sounding digital media player with todays versatility and top notch sound quality.

Thank you for reply.

Kr4 and Kennyt. Will look at sooloos. Thanks also.
There are some interesting high end options available these days. One is Boulder. The 1021 also allows you to spin discs, but not no other digital inputs.

Another option is the new Weiss MAN201.

But are very high end players. There are probably a few others, since this is a becoming a pretty hot market segmens, as more and more real high end oriented folks are moving away from spinning disc, but are intimidate by the prospect of having to build their own Mac or PC based system.

I don't know the sooloos, but I think some of it's competitive advantate was in the library management and user interface features.

I suspect with the advent of iPads, a lot of manufacturers can put together a very decent user interface, and may be superior stictly from a sound quality perspective, using their latest technology.