How to introduce computer audio to my system?

I have an EMM XDS1 and (too many) CDs (mostly redbook).
What is the best way to start storing/organizing CDs on a server and play them back using the DAC inputs on my EMM? Thanks.
How to introduce computer audio to my system?

"Hi system, this is our new friend computer audio." seems appropriate.:)
Simple test. If doggiehowser's post reads like Chinese to you (and you have no desire to learn Chinese), get a turnkey dedicated music server. If not, buy a Mac or PC.
The Weiss MAN301 in the server-only version has a built in CD transport and looks like something that could connect right to the AES/EBU DAC inputs of my EMM player. (Not quite ready to spend $9000, but maybe a used one will show up and I'll wait to save up...).

The Bryston BDP2 has no transport so I would first have to copy my CDs to an external drive I guess and then copy the file to the Bryston (just by USB I suppose).

I of course would be looking for the equivalent sound quality that I get from playing CDs directly on my EMM XDS1.
I got this guide when it was still free

If the Mini with no display is too difficult to set up/manage, a MacBook Pro 13" works just as well. Just get the SSD option. That's what they use in a lot of audio shows now.
As an IT professional, I will make the following recommendation for hardware. The Mac Mini is an attractive small form factor computer, but it isn't suitable as a server. For any computer that is functioning as a "Server" for your valuable data, it must have two things: ECC memory, and RAID-1 disk storage. Without these two things, you will suffer corruption and loss of data. Not "if", but "when". ECC memory protects against corruption as you create and manipulate your data (music files) and RAID-1 disk storage protects against hardware failure and silent corruption in the storage of this data. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have these features either. But you skip them at your own risk - records and CD's don't go bad on their own, but without ECC memory and RAID-1 disk storage, computer-based audio will indeed go bad on its own.