Is there any real alternative to Oppo??

I'm looking for a new Universal player, and love Oppo but they are hard to find other than new, and want to buy something local if possible also. Are there any other good players out there that can be bought at a local chain store that are as good?? Yamaha...Denon...Onkyo...Marantz...ect??

Any?? Sure does not seem like it.
12-29-12: Douglas_schroeder:::
Doggiehowser, I don't know where you're getting the idea that
the Cambridge player is based on the Oppo. That's not my
understanding; I reviewed the 840C for and have
owned it.
He may have been referring to
the 650BD which shares some DNA with the Oppo. See
43/index.html and click on the footnote referring to Mediatek.
Mediatek is an OEM supplier that provides the platform for the OPPO BDP-95 and Cambridge Audio Azur 751BD. Both use the same Mediatek chipset. This should explain things better:

The Oppo 103 is only 500$ new. And Oppo is the ONLY product I know of that has never had a discouraging word spoken about it. From what I have read on the Video sites, their gurus say blu-ray is blu-ray, so the differences to look for are the feature set and the Audio. Everyone praises the Audio on the Oppo. And as a plus, it's very well built. Most blu-ray only players are very flimsy. So you get blu-ray and a SACD player in the same package. Seems to be a good deal. Great customer service also.
Since you seem content to accept second best, look at the one's you've mentioned, i.e. denon, marantz. Those are the brands you're likely to find locally. You can probably get the Oppo with fee shipping from Oppo and have it in a couple of days. Why so impatient?