It's time for a good CD player.

I’ve mostly listened to vinyl and FM radio since the introduction of the Compact Disc and never invested in a really good one (currently using an Arcam CD-73).

It’s time for an upgrade.

My question is, would it be better to buy an older very expensive unit (say 4 or 5 years old) used, or a less expensive modern new unit? Have CD players improved much in the last few years?

My price range is around $1-2K. I have a bunch of Redbook discs, mostly classic rock and classical.

Also, I have no interest in digital music servers, mp3, or vacuum tubes (no offense).

It would be used with a Linn Majik Kontrol preamp, Onkyo M5000R power amp, and Amphion Creon 2 loudspeakers. Analog rig is an Acoustic Signature Manfred, Michell TechnoArm, Denon DL103R.

Any insights, links, or suggestions would be welcome. Thank you.
Don't forget used Cary's: 303/200, 303/300, or a 306 if you can swing it. I have a 303/200 with a very revealing system, & have never had a serious urge to upgrade. And Cary can provide service if needed.
You could track down an older vintage player using the highy regarded Philips TDA1541A-S1 D/A chip and philips transport. The dutchaudioclassics website (just Goggle the "TDA1541A" chip and that website will come up) has a comprehenvive list of players using one or more of these Philips chips. A late 80's Rotel RCD 855 for example uses the TDA 1541A S-1 and Philips CDM 4/19 transport and is loaded with BlackGate caps. (Many other older players from Marantz, Naim, Cambridge Audio, and even BeoGrams from B&O and many others have similar components) You can frequently find the Rotel 855 for example in good working order for under $100. A power supply upgrade and and maybe clock upgrade and you have an amazingly analogue sounding hard match player for not too much investment. Just another way to go.