Component Impact

I've been an "audiophile" for 20 years and my experience has taught me that speakers have the most impact on sound. Well that was my experience until one week ago. Over the years I've changed speakers, amps, source, and cables...sometimes I could hear differences and sometimes I couldn't. I recently decided to upgrade my Densen B-250 preamp to the Densen B-250+. My ears still can't believe what I'm hearing...better separation,detail, soundstage. I'm totally shocked by the improvements. Has anyone else experienced significant improvements by changing/upgrading their preamp?
I have had some spectacular SQ improvements with better preamps in the past, culminating in the elimination of the preamp altogether as suggested by Steve.

Just for kicks I reinserted a preamp into my multi channel system recently. It took me all of 15 seconds to hear I was inserting an active circuit and some cables in the chain that subtracted from the quality of the signal, and the device was back on audiogon where I bought it.
Has anyone else experienced significant improvements by changing/upgrading their preamp?

Absolutely, in fact I've found that it is harder for me to find a preamp that I can live happily with than it is to find speakers that I can live happily with.
IMHO, the preamp is THE most difficult component to choose.
Steve N.,

I would love to eliminate my preamp. What DAC with volume control do you recommend?
In one of my older systems, I was sure I needed to change the amplifier until my dealer, who sold both, proved to me that the sound I was looking for was actually achieved by upgrading the preamp. The system had more solidity, tonal accuracy and more pitch-accurate bass. All the things I previously believed were attributable to the amp were accomplished by the preamp. Quite an eye-opener.