Need a New CD Player

Time to buy a new CD player. Have done some research and it appears as though the Marantz has the audio properties that I want for the amount of money I would like to spend. CD 5005 and CD 6005 models are what I am looking at.

Has anyone compared these two head to head? I am wondering if there is any kind of sonic difference between the two. I noted the 5004 is not as adept at playing analog recordings as the 5005 or 6005 and I've ruled out that model.
The big difference to my mind, if it is important to you and worth the $100 difference, is that the 5004/5 is made in China and the 6004/5 is made in Japan.


if you like Marantz & enjoy its house sound- buy the model(s) made in Japan. It may cost a little more, but totally worth it!

Keep me posted & happy listening!