Tidal HiFi Streaming?

Tidal just launched in October at $19.99/mo. They claim to ONLY steam at 44.1kHz/16 bit (1411kbs) so it is CD quality. Has anyone signed up for this? Is Tidal the way to go or Deezer? And, what would I need to start the service- I have WiFi or hardwire option, an iPad- would I need a laptop? External DAC? Sorry to ask so many questions but it's an exciting service, especially if I can save files to my hard drive. Rather than invest in an upgraded FM radio, this seems the way to go.
Tidal is definitely GROWING on me BIG TIME. I am streaming via my squeezebox touch/CI power supply and ickStream (pulled it all out of the closet and glad I didn't sell it). The few issues I had had have all gone away and I have a nice remote with GUI. I don't think you can beat it for $20 a month. It was hicopping a bit due to bandwith, etc but the ickstream app is SWEET. I have had no negative issues; the sound and navigation and content are realy, really good.
My Aesthetix Romulus CD player has accessible DAC and I was wondering how to get Tidal to it. I have a Squeezbox Touch. What is ickStream and GUI? I want to hook this up to the DAC and am totally clueless.
J135, You need to go into your squezebox software and add the 3rd party plug in, ickStream. You want "web control". Once you add the plug in, you need to add a script below (the tidal website has the info on how to do it (FAQ). GUI is just 'graphic user interface' which is the readout on the SB Touch.
How to setup TIDAL on Squeezebox:
Install the ickStream plugin in LMS (Logitech Media Server)
Full installation instructions here: http://wiki.ickstream.com/index.php/Open_Beta_Squeezebox_Installation
Enjoy it. I just pulled a 2nd squeezebox out of the closet and hooked it up to tidal for my headphone rig. I cant believe this is legal! Buying the upgraded PS for the old hag. She is singing so sweet. This is my lifes dream - (almost)all the (uncompressed) music in the world, at my fingertips...