Exogal Comet DAC

hi I'm looking for a new dac to replace my Audiomeca Ambrosia.....and my sights are set on the Auralic Vega and Exogal Comet. Not particularly interested in DSD at the moment ( and i had a Chord Qute HD) so i did have a taste of DSD for awhile, but not impressed with the offering so far....but i like what i have read about the Auralic Vega (never heard it) and I like the fact that the new Exogal Comet is made by former Wadia engineers.

so anyone heard the new Exogal yet? impressions?

i like all classical, most jazz, alternative rock (i.e Old REM, ) , grunge (Sound Garden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam) and some world.

thanks in advance

my system:
YBA Signature preamp and amp, reference 3A integral speakers, interconnect and power cabling by Nordost (valhalla and odin), and speaker cables by Hidiamond, Audiomeca Roma Turntable and SB Touch for steaming to DAC...lots of power conditioning by Exactpower, with room treatments and ASI resonators
Your rooms were already on my "to visit" list because of Audiokinesis and Teo (for preamp and not the cables). Will look forward for demo of the Exogal as well.
Have not gone to a show in a decade. Do exhibitors encourage visitors getting some music on HDD/UBS key?
As if I needed any additional reason to visit Essential Audio's room at AXPONA. Wow, you are showing some mighty compelling products. Hope I can get a seat...
Milpai, I'll give a tentative yes on bringing music on a USB stick or whatever to play.
Today ,I have listened to exogal along with Ayre dsD dac.
Input was Mac ,preamp audio research ,amplifier arc ref 250.
Cabling ,AUDIOQUEST and vandersteen speakers.
Music via usb ,kind of blue.
I used optional power supply with exogal.
Ayre was better(slightly) in bass and rhythm.
Both dacs are pretty good ,but considering same price the choice seems to be clear:Ayre.
Nice thing about exogal is that you can use iPhone as a remote control.
App from iTunes.
Would you comment on how they compared/your overall impressions regarding soundstage width and depth, imaging, space/air between images, midrange character and palpability, treble presence and detail, and overall presentation of the musical experience?